All Time UT Retrodictive Chart

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This image shows how we've fared over history by Ray Wait's system. We were not ranked by his sytem until 1902, so the early years have no data points. Note that the best run by his system was the late CJM, early CPF timeframe from 1989-1999 where we finished 4th, 9th, 12th, 12th, 14th, 15th, 3rd, 8th, 3rd, 1st, and 12th.
Ray gives us the title in 1938 and 1998, with 2nd place finishes in 1956 and 2001. We finished 3rd in 1950, 1951, 1985, 1995, and 1997.
Our average ranking since 1902 is 28th.

If you cut out the pre-SEC years, our average ranking is just shy of 20th.
In a future post, I'll include a comparison of different teams' rankings through a similar time period.
If you look by coach, CPF has performed the best under this ranking system.
Rank Coach
RW Rank HC
13.62 Fulmer Average
15.50 Dickey Average
15.95 Neyland Average
17.25 Barnhill Average
17.29 Battle Average
26.25 Wyatt Average
27.19 Majors Average
27.98 Grand Average
30.00 McDonald Average
42.00 Robinson Average
44.00 Fisher Average
48.00 Britton Average
49.67 Levene Average
52.40 Banks Average
54.33 Bender Average
58.80 Clevenger Average
59.00 Stone Average
67.00 Crawford Average
71.00 Depree Average
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