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Thursday, April 13, 2006

Why do they call it a "think tank?"

According to

think tankn.
A group or an institution organized for intensive research and solving of problems, especially in the areas of technology, social or political strategy, or armament.[Download Now or Buy the Book]
Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth EditionCopyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
think tank
A group or organization dedicated to problem-solving and research, especially in such areas as technology, social or political strategy, and the military. For example, The congressional leaders rely too heavily on that conservative think tank. This term originated about 1900 as a facetious colloquialism for brain and was given its new meaning about 1950.
Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer.Copyright © 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.
think tank
n : a company that does research for hire and issues reports on the implications [syn: think factory]
Source: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University

First, humbletx pointed out winning percentages by program over the previous 6 years.

Not to be outdone, LiveToRide bounces back with the Football staff salaries.

birminghamvol, not to be left out, combines the two and uses a ratio of win%/salary to provide the "value" these programs are receiving for their dollars. His post is in LTR's thread, and replicated below. It is a must read for any fans of high dollar programs.

birmy's post:
I combined this with the winning percentage numbers humbletx posted below for the past 6 seasons. Who do you think is getting the most bang for their buck when you compare salary ranking with winning percentage ranking?

........................salary rank............ratio win%/salary
Michigan St.........20..............................68..............................3.400
Texas A&M.........4................................57............................14.250

A few things that I noticed ...

1. Auburn has 1 coach in HIGH demand who they pay a ton of cash in AB. They have also had recent (past 2 year) success that saw Tubby get a HUGE salary increase. That is why they are on the low end me thinks.

2. For all the bitching and moaning about how UT doesn't pay it's staff enough and can't compete salary wise with the big boize .. the numbers just don't prove that (aka it's "BUNK" for you griddie spys who can't follow along in real, no simplified terms). You pretty much have a LARGE supply of old farts and porno 'stache rejects who aren't a threat to go anywhere. I'm sure the $$ went up this year with the addition of Cut and the raise Chavis had to get to match Cut. But besides Trooper .. NO ONE is sending out "feelers" for these guys ... AND WE STILL PAY THEM TOP DOLLAR DESPITE THEIR LACK OF PRODUCTION.

3. Georgia has their shitt together

4. How can "coach" look at this and ask for a raise/extension when it's OBVIOUS he alone is what causes the overall salary to be high for the staff? Is this why the inept clown keeps sub par staff members ... so he doesn't have to pay them and can keep more jack for himself (at the expense of the quality of the program)? See Coach Bowden, Beamer, Brown, Carr for coaches with similar stature (in longevity) as "coach" Fulmer .. yet they get the job done better .. with equal or less money.

5. Cal has a proven comoditity (who can turn a program around) IN HIGH DEMAND which warrants a high pay for their head coach. Does ANYONE want "coach" Fulmer? Why pay this underproductive, inept, clueless "coach" that much for TERRIBLE RESULTS? Is it worth 2.2 Mil a year for a freaking RECRUITING COORDINATOR????

6. Arguably .. ONLY Texas A&M gets less out of their football program (in terms of on the field results) than UT does. And that is due in part to the fact that they payed Fran big bucks .. only to have TERRIBLE results. And you can bet your "azz" he's on his way out after 2 years.

All this being said of course .. we must always keep in mind that ... "Football isn't rocket science, it's much much harder" ((TM) Ronald Tosh -2005)

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